Africa Must Stop Reacting and Start Acting: Urban Design is the Antidote for the Continent’s Next Health Crisis.

May 11, 2020     / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

Extraordinary times require extraordinary responses May 15th 2020 The Guardian published an interesting article titled “Africa facing a quarter of a billion coronavirus cases, WHO predicts”. The report approximated 220 million Africans based on that article. Now, while the western media predicted doom and gloom for the youngest continent on earth, data seems to be painting a completely different picture during this pandemic. I partly blame Africa for not taking control of her narrative and not shedding enough light her success stories. It was not until the former British barrister and daughter of a Ghanaian lady, Afua Hirsch that Africa’s positive COVID-19 stories surfaced. She highlighted Senegalese handling of…